no biggie, Jehovah, Jesus, and the GB.
and, oh yeah!
they have a horoscope, the days text.
They operate on the same principles, i think.
no biggie, jehovah, jesus, and the gb.. and, oh yeah!.
they have a horoscope, the days text.. they operate on the same principles, i think..
no biggie, Jehovah, Jesus, and the GB.
and, oh yeah!
they have a horoscope, the days text.
They operate on the same principles, i think.
"terrorist cells in the kingdom hall".
latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating .
in many of our halls.
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating
in many of our Halls. They have been identified as Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin,
Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Osama Bin Satan,
trained these groups to destroy the congregation. The plan is to come into
the Hall disguised as Christians and to work from within to discourage,
disrupt, and destroy. However, there have also been reports of a sixth
group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin. It is actually the only
effective counter terrorism force in the Hall. Unlike other terrorist
cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes
along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the
congregation. We have notices that the Bin Prayin cell group has different
characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, and Bin
Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ
i dad myself 6 years ago, and was quite surprised that my wife (of 38 years) did not follow suit.
perhaps this is because her father and brother are still active jws, and she doesn't want them to shun her the way that they have done to me.. so, my wife is still a jw, albeit losing interest in her religion.
as far as i know, she doesn't even go door to door anymore.
i have to deal with "pity" all the time. so condescending.
IF ONLY I could believe in talking snakes, water into blood etc, all would be cool.
i've always hated story #53: "jepthah's promise".
i always felt sorry for the daughter who had to spend the rest of her days at the tabernacle because her father made a numb-nuts promise to god.
who did he think he was, making promises for other people?
interesting article:.
underground cave dating from the year 1 a.d. exposed in jordan valleysciencedaily (june 22, 2009) an artificial underground cave, the largest in israel, has been exposed in the jordan valley in the course of a survey carried out by the university of haifa's department of archaeology.
i have no doubt that the quarry was accessed by christians long after it stopped being used as a quarry who then applied their graffiti
don't know if it has been mentioned already on the board,.
scientists are thinking of naming that new disquieting sort of cloud asperatus.. a foresight of armageddon.
ive seen those on the edge of thunderstorms
i went yard saling today.
had lots of fun, got some great bargains.
at one of the yard sale, the people were firm on their prices.
thats funny
narkissos, in challenge #2 you wrote:.
"i wouldn't push the distinction between allos and heteros too far;.
often the difference is stylistic rather than semantic.".
get a life man
darek barefoot, author of the book "jehovah's witnesses and the hour of darkness" will be one of our quests on the six screens conference call on saturday june 6,2009 at 7 p.m.est.
darek barefoot, a former jehovah's witness was ostracized from the organization for trying to expose the truth about the occultic influence in the watchtower organization.
his book documents the existence of disguised, or "subliminal"images in watchtower illustrations, and further demonstrated that these images were occultic, being drawn from witchcraft and demonology.
What's next? Having someone named "raven" talk about satanic ritual abuse by the GB? No, wait. NEVER MIND.
a lot of old paintings depict it as a t shape.. this one is c.1490.
cameo, golgotha means "place of the skull". it took all of 10 seconds for me to find the answer. but no, youd rather fish for stupid conspiracy crap. good luck.